Boiler Membrane Panels

Metro Boiler is currently looking to fabricate your membrane water wall panels. All of our panel work is done in house.

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Rodney Leffew - Metro Boiler Tube Fabricate Boiler Tubes Sales

Rodney Leffew

Metro Fabricate Boiler Tubes Sales

Metro Boiler Tube Co., Inc can provide complete or partial replacement for your boiler waterwall panels.

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Boiler Opening Panels

We can provide partial boiler tube panels as well as opening panels, burner panels, man way / access openings, camera opening panels, soot blower openings and observation ports.

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Panel Gang Bending

With the addition of our membrane water wall gang bending operation we are able to do a majority of the welding with a SAW (Submerged Arc Welding) procedure. Reducing the amount of hand welding to our bent panels.

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Boiler Waterwall Panels

All subs panels are test fit in our shop before shipment to assure the accuracy of all cut points, openings, and attachemnts.

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Panel Headers / Attachments

All header Machining, fabrication, attachments, PT Testing, MT Testing, And Heat Treating is done in our shop reducing our lead times

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Loose Fin Tubes

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